you couldn't be in safer hands

Our approach to Security, Compliance and Privacy has been designed for enterprise-grade clients.


Industry standard encryption

All potentially sensitive information (including raw audio but also transcribed audio) remains encrypted  at rest, in transit and at backup.

Identity & Account management (IAM)

Single sign-on (SSO), User level access management and IP-derived access rules mean that we can limit access to a need-to-know basis based on location, VPN connection and user credentials.

Robust Security Testing Methods

We regularly attempt to breach our own networks and client environments using independent expertise to evaluate the security of our systems and ensure safety from unsolicited access.


ISO 27001:2013 Certified

The internationally recognised Standard for Information Security that certifies that we meet standards to protect organisations and have robust risk controls (legal, physical and technical) in place. This covers more than just our IT. An important part of the Standard recognises our data security levels across all areas of how we operate.

ISO 9001:2015

Our ISO 9001 certification is the international Standard for quality management. It contains requirements that enable a business to work to best practice when it comes to maintaining consistency and customer satisfaction. It demonstrates our consistent commitment to quality throughout the business and our operations, from leadership, design and delivery.

GDPR & UKDPA compliant

Across our organisation, we mandate regular training to keep our teams compliant for the General Data Protection Regulation and the UK Data Protection Act rules, and your data safe and protected.



We have strict governance around data purging and operate on the principle of least-privileged . This ensures your data is only ever handled, accessed or viewed on a completely necessary basis and otherwise remains private.

Recognise & redact sensitive information

We gives you the tools you need to meet your privacy obligations. These include automatic detection, redaction and deletion of personal information (PI) and personally identifiable information (PII).

Don't just take our word for it...

Get in touch for our certificates or for any other questions please contact one of our team.

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There's a reason we're trusted world-over